Electric cars, veggie burgers, and high-tech gadgets alone won't tackle the climate crisis, asserts social scientist Shivant Jhagroe. He calls for radical climate justice, challenging the notion that "sustainability" is anything more than a green façade. Instead, Jhagroe demands that responsibility be placed squarely on major polluters and governments.
One World magazine is shifting its focus from 'sustainability' to 'climate justice.' Jhagroe argues that sustainability often benefits only the privileged few while allowing businesses to continue as usual. By emphasizing 'justice,' we can reshape the climate conversation and drive meaningful change.
Author: Shivant Jhagroe
Illustrations: Richard Kofi
Link to the full article: https://www.oneworld.nl/klimaat/ecofascisme-als-klimaatangst-en-racisme-elkaar-omarmen/

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